Leila Mirzakhani ci racconta la sua personale alla galleria O Gallery a Tehran

      cescon4 min
 Seasons Poetry #45, acquarello su carta, 33x24, 2021

L'artista mira a ricreare le esperienze umane istintive e naturali nella sua pratica attraverso la riscoperta di una dimensione spirituale negli eventi ordinari della vita quotidiana.

By Camilla Delpero   





Tell us about your new exposition.

My personal exhibition with the title "Immersion" which was presented at "O" Gallery of Tehran, is a project started in 2020 during the Pandemic. Like many other people I took refuge in nature to release the stress we had to endure in this period; it's an effort to capture the beauty of nature, for me some of these works were very engaging either physically and psychologically due to the substantial time they had to take to be accomplished.
This project is the result of my personal research on the colors and forms of the plants and the flowers and everything else existing in nature.


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How was this experience? Could you mention some of the differences between the artistic scene of Tehran and that of Milan?

I should say that this exhibition in Tehran was a very positive experience, I received many positive feedbacks from the wonderful visitors. The difference between Tehran and Milan or in general Italy is the engagement of young people in Iran. There is a lot of young energy, a lot of desire and a lot of curiosity and this for me is very exciting. I also feel a special respect for every person who is involved in art and culture in this moment in Iran which is not easy at all, the country is going through a very difficult time economically, and the sanctions have made everything way more difficult, but nevertheless, the galleries, the artists and in general people who work in this field are carrying out very interesting projects and I have to admit that is not an easy job and they are putting a great effort to it.
I should also mention that working with "O" gallery was really positive because the level of the eagerness and precisione that they put to their work was pretty clear and for me as an artist made the whole experience pretty comfortable and pleasing, in Tehran in general I found a very positive energy and a potential to do great works so I see a good perspective for the country and its artistic environment.




O Gallery presenta Immersions, una raccolta di opere su carta di Leila Mirzakhani (n. 1978 Teheran).

Utilizzando un approccio meditativo e poetico, Leila Mirzakhani mira a ricreare le esperienze umane istintive e naturali nella sua pratica attraverso la riscoperta di una dimensione spirituale negli eventi ordinari della vita quotidiana. I disegni di Mirzakhani sui campi di colore atmosferici esaminano le qualità della luce effimera e la solida radianza. Offrendo esempi delle possibilità del mezzo, l'artista riduce al minimo la pittura all'essenziale con una ricchezza sensoriale e allusiva incorporata nella loro asperità. Le espressioni strutturali e la tavolozza limitata sottolineano la bellezza insita nella natura con un riferimento alle stagioni. Questa sottile bellezza è evidente nei delicati incidenti visivi nell'esecuzione di linee, segni, sfumature e margini mentre dimostrano un'enfasi deliberata sull'integrità della superficie.

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